Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tips to save the environment

Reduce household waste by reusing, recycling and composting

Reduce greenhouse gases by car pooling, taking public transport or riding your bicycle

Buy whitegoods with a high environmental rating (low chlorofluorocarbons)

Use household cleaning products with low phosphate and nitrate levels to protect the chemical balance of aquatic environments

Reduce mainswater use by collecting rainwater for use around the home and garden

Use water efficiently - wait until you have a full load before doing laundry and fix dripping taps

Wash vehicles on the lawn or garden so water can soak into the ground

Keep street gutters, drains and paths clean by sweeping and composting leaf litter

Don't put chemicals such as oil, radiator fluid, fertiliser and old paints down the drain

Carefully dispose of dog faeces as it is both a health hazard for humans and dangerous for our aquatic systems. Dispose of it in rubbish bins or bury it in your garden

Don't litter - most rubbish, including cigarette butts ends up in creeks and on our beaches

Plant Indian species in your garden or even better, grow plants found only in your area - you'll have less maintenance, save water and attract native birds

Today, 5th June, is World Environment Day.

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