Aesthetic and Durable Features
- Imparts toughness to surface
- It is highly durable and maintenance-free
- Twin benefits of protection and aesthetics
- Eco-friendly conforms to VOC norms
- Contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal additives
- Fills hairline cracks and pinholes
- Is waterproof and washable
- Is non-toxic and non-flammable
- Highly resistant to alkalies surface
SnowDecor adheres perfectly to different external and internal surfaces, plaster masonry brickwork, concrete, gypsum and asbestos. It is also recommended for revising old surfaces.
Colour: Base colour
Packing: SnowDecor is available in 30 kg. Bags.
Mixing Ratio: Ready to use, if required add 5% by volume.
Thinner/Cleaner: Water
Recommended System: Apply a coat of SPECIAL CW PREMIER and then apply two coat of acrylic top coat of required shade.
Contains Acrylic copolymers and high quality siliceous aggregates of varying size, formulated to withstand humidity, rain and hot climate. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal additives.
ONXY – 2.0 mm scratch finish
QUARTZ – 0.5 mm scratch finish
Colour: Base colour
Finish: Textured scratch finish
Contains Acrylic copolymers reinforced with marble powder, formulated to withstand humidity, rain and hot climate. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal additives.
SPARKLE BUBBLE: Bubble finish. Pressed Bubble finish and Multi coloured Bubble finish.
Colour: Base colour. Can be coated with any shade.
Finish Texture (Bubble Pressed Bubble and Multi coloured) finish.
Contains Acrylic copolymers reinforced with marble powder, formulated to give different roller patterns. It contains anti-bacterial and additives.
DIAMOND – Superfine CORAL – Superfine Spray finish
Colour: Self-colour and can be coated with any shade
Finish: Texture Roller finish
Synthetic stone like finish. Pure Acrylic emulsion reinforced with marble powder and silica sand, formulated to give different roller patterns. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal additives.
AMBER Dholpur Stone Finish: Texture finish
Colour Natural Stone
Combination of high quality pigments, tough naturals mineral and special acrylic binder. It contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal additives.
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